We are not alone
We live in God’s world.
We believe in God:
Who has created and is creating,
Who has come in Jesus
The Word made flesh,
To reconcile and make new
Who works in us and others by the Spirit.
We trust in God.
We are called to be the Church:
To celebrate God’s presence,
To live with respect in Creation
To love and serve others,
To seek justice and resist evil,
To proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen,
Our judge and our hope.
In life, in death, in life beyond death
God is with us.
We are not alone.
Thanks be to God.
Newer services can be found on the Youtube home page, in the live stream window. Some services have been archived. Please contact the office if you are looking for a specific service.
November 15, 2020 https://vimeo.com/479380105/ab68941b9f
November 8, 2020 https://vimeo.com/476734143/16488d41f4
November 1, 2020 https://vimeo.com/473959535/1df71b5492
October 25, 2020. https://vimeo.com/471805036/46188b69cd
October 18, 2020 https://vimeo.com/469573939/764e95419b
October 25, 2020. https://vimeo.com/471805036/46188b69cd
October 18, 2020 https://vimeo.com/469573939/764e95419b
October 11, 2020. https://vimeo.com/466688515/448cc192ec
October 4, 2020 https://vimeo.com/464600779/702fa704eb
September 27, 2020 https://vimeo.com/462228699/4b25e7d846
September 20, 2020. https://vimeo.com/459781409/a3349f646b
September 13, 2020. https://vimeo.com/457286069/8e23ec512c
September 6th, 2020. https://vimeo.com/454932871/390c7c8d15
August 30, 2020. https://vimeo.com/452575414/3c4ffd0ad1
August 23rd, 2020 https://vimeo.com/449838872/574582369c
August 16, 2020 https://vimeo.com/447973999/38621248e3
August 9th, https://vimeo.com/445381112/c3524eeec8
August 2, 2020: https://vimeo.com/443215427/081414ff10In today's prayers of the people, let us remember Rev. Kathy and Kate Dahmer in our prayers. We pray for a safe journey, the creation of beautiful memories, joy and togetherness. And we pray for much needed, and much deserved rest for Rev. Kathy. Have a beautiful Sunday everyone, and God Bless.
July 26, 2020: https://vimeo.com/441340905/19fbed7613
July 19, 2020: https://vimeo.com/439638459/4fb7bb95d7
July 12, 2020: https://vimeo.com/437484679
July 5th, service: https://vimeo.com/435322211/38d9215e10
June 28th, This. is a communion service, please have your bread and juice ready to participate. https://vimeo.com/433231563
June 21st, service: https://vimeo.com/431094576/07be42fe83
June 14th Service : https://vimeo.com/428850031/b93b86beaa
June 7th service: https://player/vimeo.com/video/426639304
May 31st Service : https://player/vimeo.com/video/424422387
May 17 service: https://player/vimeo.com/video/419390593
May 10; Happy Mother's day. https://player.vimeo.com/video/416794086
May 3rd service: https://player.vimeo.com/video/413989029password: trinity
April 26 service: https://player.vimeo.com/video/411914644Password: trinity
Good Morning Welcome to worship.Please have with you a Christ Candle and some bread and juice.
April 19 service: https://player.vimeo.com/video/409346782
Easter Sunday Service: https://player.vimeo.com/video/406780908password: trinity Good Friday Service link: https://player.vimeo.com/video/406071183password: trinity Palm Sunday Service link: https://player.vimeo.com/video/404175050password: trinity March 29 service Link: https://player.vimeo.com/video/401769591copy and paste this link into browser if it doesn't open by just clicking.password remains trinity New: Link to United Church of Canada information on COVID-19 response. https://www.united-church.ca/covid-19
March 22 Service link: https://player.vimeo.com/video/399550622
October 25, 2020. https://vimeo.com/471805036/46188b69cd
October 18, 2020 https://vimeo.com/469573939/764e95419b
October 11, 2020. https://vimeo.com/466688515/448cc192ec
October 4, 2020 https://vimeo.com/464600779/702fa704eb
September 27, 2020 https://vimeo.com/462228699/4b25e7d846
September 20, 2020. https://vimeo.com/459781409/a3349f646b
September 13, 2020. https://vimeo.com/457286069/8e23ec512c
September 6th, 2020. https://vimeo.com/454932871/390c7c8d15
August 30, 2020. https://vimeo.com/452575414/3c4ffd0ad1
August 23rd, 2020 https://vimeo.com/449838872/574582369c
August 16, 2020 https://vimeo.com/447973999/38621248e3
August 9th, https://vimeo.com/445381112/c3524eeec8
August 2, 2020: https://vimeo.com/443215427/081414ff10In today's prayers of the people, let us remember Rev. Kathy and Kate Dahmer in our prayers. We pray for a safe journey, the creation of beautiful memories, joy and togetherness. And we pray for much needed, and much deserved rest for Rev. Kathy. Have a beautiful Sunday everyone, and God Bless. July 26, 2020: https://vimeo.com/441340905/19fbed7613
July 19, 2020: https://vimeo.com/439638459/4fb7bb95d7
July 12, 2020: https://vimeo.com/437484679July 5th, service: https://vimeo.com/435322211/38d9215e10
June 28th, This. is a communion service, please have your bread and juice ready to participate. https://vimeo.com/433231563
June 21st, service: https://vimeo.com/431094576/07be42fe83June 14th Service : https://vimeo.com/428850031/b93b86beaa
June 7th service: https://player/vimeo.com/video/426639304
May 31st Service : https://player/vimeo.com/video/424422387
May 17 service: https://player/vimeo.com/video/419390593 May 10; Happy Mother's day. https://player.vimeo.com/video/416794086May 3rd service: https://player.vimeo.com/video/413989029password: trinity
April 26 service: https://player.vimeo.com/video/411914644Password: trinity
Good Morning Welcome to worship.Please have with you a Christ Candle and some bread and juice.
April 19 service: https://player.vimeo.com/video/409346782
Easter Sunday Service: https://player.vimeo.com/video/406780908password: trinity Good Friday Service link: https://player.vimeo.com/video/406071183password: trinity Palm Sunday Service link: https://player.vimeo.com/video/404175050password: trinity March 29 service Link: https://player.vimeo.com/video/401769591copy and paste this link into browser if it doesn't open by just clicking.password remains trinity New: Link to United Church of Canada information on COVID-19 response. https://www.united-church.ca/covid-19 March 22 Service link: https://player.vimeo.com/video/399550622
Members: Rev James, Janet Villeneuve, Sue LeBlanc, Jason Tait, Lynne Cox, Lynne Bruce, Gaetanne Evans, Liz Chorkawy, Adrien Gravelle
The worship team meets regularly to discuss and plan all aspects of the worship services.
Communion is served approximately every six weeks.
During Advent, ornaments were available for people to write on and place on the tree during the first hymn. The messages were prayers, concerns, gratefulness or anything that was on their heart. We thank Lynne Bruce for ensuring that there were ornaments ready each week.
There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex for weekly scripture readers. Lynne Bruce checks to see that there is someone to read each week. Everyone is welcome to read. Janet Villeneuve prepares the elements for Communion. Adrien Gravelle organizes a team of volunteers to live stream the service.
We thank Mardi Mumford for making sure the church banners are changed regularly, according to the season. She and Janet also ensure that the sanctuary is prepared for Advent.
We thank Kristen Gibeault for sharing her Children’s times with us. We are all God’s children and we all learn from her messages.
The Christmas Eve service was held at 5:00 in order to accommodate families. The service included a pageant and we thank all those who participated.
submitted by Sue LeBlanc and Janet Villeneuve
Copyright © 2021 Trinity United Church Lively